Public historian, public speaker


We all need to talk about our history.

I love getting that conversation started.

I don’t read from a paper, or a script. I look people in the eye and move my arms a lot because talking to people about history is a dynamic event.

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People are interested in their history. And by “their” history, I mean our history.

Everyone living in the U.S., whether they were born here or unpacked yesterday, is part of American history, and needs to know how their present is shaped by that past.

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“What is history for?”

It’s for us to make use of to understand our past, evaluate our present, and move into our future.

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Let’s talk!

Contact me if you have a group that would like to discuss American history. No group too big, no group too small.

Watch a talk I gave at History Camp Boston 2019. It’s about the puritans, and it’s a short overview of my forthcoming scholarly book, Heroic Souls.

My other talk was about 1930s-1950s American horror radio: Lights Out, Suspense, Quiet Please…